King County Climate Action Project
Our mission is to enhance the King County climate website to be more simple, efficient, and visually appealing to meet the users' diversity.
Our goals from this project are:
Fewer navigation steps
Less text, more visuals
Emphasize the vital information to be on the website homepage
All PDF documents are to be in one place on the website homepage
King County Climate Website: Understanding /Sketching
Our recommendations throughout this project were based on exploring the King County Climate website and creating user personas.
King County Climate Website low Fidelity Mockup
Based on the gathered information, we created storyboards, low-fidelity Mock-ups, and users flow chart
King County Climate Website Flow Chart
Our team created a flow chart to display how users navigate through the website, like translating the page, opening a PDF file, navigating to a previous page, or searching for the climate page. All these actions ended up staying on the current page.
King County Climate Website Next Steps
Create high fidelity mock-up
Conducting the usability test​