- I have studied the fundamentals of computer science. As part of these studies, I have learned programming with the Java language.
While learning Java programming, I have used what I have learned to implement some small projects. For example, I have implemented a simple console-based Assassin game that starts with a list of players. The players try to assassinate each other, and the game keeps track of which player is still fighting and which eliminated player. The game is over when only one player is alive.
- I have been writing some code to solve some miscellaneous problems. here are some examples of the problems I solved using Java programming:
Solving the Quadratic equation.
Multiplying 2 matrixes.
Implementing Rational Number class to allow adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing rational numbers.
Getting the greatest common advisor of 2 numbers.
Word Counting in the document.
Implementing some date and time manipulation and operation (e.g. adding days, months, years to date, or getting the day of the week for a specific date, ...etc.).
Implementing most of the common knowing algorithms (e.g., sorting, searching, hashing...etc.).