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Design Walkthrough & Prototype

The Whimsy Walks app provides artists with tools to submit their artwork, get notifications, and get a tipping gratuity. The Whimsy Walks app allows artists to submit their artwork and get notified about the status of their submission. The app also offers the insights section to the artists with analytical data & metrics on user engagement, including foot traffic, total time spent in each installation, ratings/reviews, demographics, and more. 

Design Walkthrough


This is your About Page. It's a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are, what you do and what your website has to offer. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share with site visitors.

Design Walkthrough Images

From left to right​

  1. Art Submission

  2. Notification / Insights

  3. Analytics / Tipping & Gratuity

White Animation.gif
photo 3.jpg

Demo & Dynamic Prototype

To resize the prototype, you can click on the resize button located at the top right corner when you hover over it. 

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